Two tailings on Sauberg in Ehrenfriedersdorf are part of the Ehrenfriedersdorf East mining area.
In the mine, which was operated until 1990, mainly tin ore was mined, the two silt heaps were created as a result of this tin ore extraction.
After the pit had been closed, the mining cavities were flooded. According to Hösel (1994), the mine water generally has a high level of As and F.
The processing residues of the tin processing from the last mining period since 1942 were piled up in the tailings. The main ore minerals of the Ehrenfriedersdorf deposit are tinstone (cassiterite, SnO2), arsenopyrite (FeAsS) and loellingite (FeAs2) (Hösel, 1994).
Tailing 1 is located on the eastern slope of the Sauberg in a sheltered valley and extends from about 597 m a.s.l. up to 626 m a.s.l. The plateau area is approx. 6.8 ha and the slope areas approx. 1.4 ha, the volume is approx. 442,000 m3. Tailing 2 is at a height of approx. 626 m a.s.l. up to 660 m a.s.l. The plateau area is approx. 20.0 ha and the slope areas approx. 3.8 ha, the cubature is approx. 1.5 mil. m3. NN up to 626 m a.s.l. NN. The plateau area is approx. 6.8 ha and the embankment area approx. 1.4 ha, with a volume of approx. 442,000 m3. Tailing 2 is located at an altitude of approx. 626 m above sea level. NN up to 660 m a.s.l. NN. The plateau area is approx. 20.0 ha and the embankment area approx. 3.8 ha, with a cubic capacity of approx. 1.5 million m3.
The beginning and the end of mining in Ehrenfriedersdorf
The Ehrenfriedersdorf deposit is one of the most famous tin deposits in the Erzgebirge, with a mining history of over 750 years. Since the 13th century, tin and silver ore were mined underground in the tin ore deposit area Ehrenfriedersdorf/Erzgebirge. After production ceased in the meantime, operations were resumed in 1936 by Sachsenerz Bergwerk AG.
As a result of the resumption in 1940, a new processing facility and Tailing 1 were built in the area of the small crossing on the Sauberg eastern slope.
The processing facility went into operation in 1942. Initially only branch/veinstone ore were processed. Greisenerz was also processed since the early 1960s.
The processing facility was dismantled after the end of the World War II in 1945 as a reparation payment. In 1948, the reconstruction and the resumption of the ore mining began. At the same time, the newly discovered part of the Northwest Field deposit opened up. A capacity limit of the Tailing 1 was reached in 1969, which marked the end of its flushing. Instead, Tailing 2 went into operation in 1969.
As a result of a completely unprofitable production, the VEB Bergbau- und Hüttenkombinat Freiberg stopped the ore mining on October 3, 1990 that ended the flushing into the Tailing 2 (Hösel, 1994).
After the end of mining in Ehrenfriedersdorf
The resulting ZEE – Zinnerz Ehrenfriedersdorf GmbH was commissioned with the underground and surface storage and the dismantling of the site after the decommissioning of the Ehrenfriedersdorf mine. In the course of the underground custody, superstructures and shafts were kept, mining damage analyses were carried out and the mine buildings were flooded. In addition, the 2nd level of the Sauberg was prepared as a visitor mine. Operation of the pit as a visitor mine was officially started in 1995.
The two tailings were covered with earth to reduce dust. Because of remediation work, a cover up to 10 m thick was applied to Tailing 2, whereas Tailing 1 is only covered with a thin layer of soil.
Projects and activities at the Bielatal Tailing
- Project SMSB: “Extraction of strategic metals and minerals from Saxon mining tailing” as part of the funding measure “r³ -Innovative Technologies for Resource Efficiency – Strategic Metals and Minerals”, 2012 – 2016, project coordination: Helmholtz Institute Freiberg for Resource Technology
- Pilot: ,,Shipments of the tailing seepage water in the area Sauberg East field of tin ore Ehrenfriedersdorf GmbH” experiment: EcoConcept GmbH Chemnitz, academic support: TUBAF Freiberg, 2002
References (in German)
Grabner, W. (2012): Der historische Bergbau des Ehrenfriedersdorfer Bergreviers unterbesonderer Berücksichtigung von Aufbereitung und Verhüttung. Im Auftrag der Berggrabebrüderschaft Ehrenfriedersdorf, Pirna, 2012.
Greif, A.; Klemm, W.; Klemm, K. (2008): Influence of Arsenic from AnthropogenicLoaded Soils on the Mine Water Quality in theTin District Ehrenfriedersdorf, Erzgebirge(Germany). Eng. Life Sci., 2008, 8, No. 6, 631–640
Hösel, G.; Hoth, K.; Jung, D.; Leonhardt, G.; Mann, M.; Meyer, H.; Tägl, U. (1994): Das Zinnerz-Lagerstättengebiet Ehrenfriedersdorf/Erzgebirge, Bergbaumonographie, Bergbau in Sachsen Band 1; Hrsg: LFUG und Oberbergamt, Freiberg.
Klemm, W.; Greif, A. (2006): Abschlussbericht: Erarbeitung eines Verfahrens zur Behandlung von Gruben- und Haldensickerwässern. Technische Universität Bergakademie Freiberg, 2006.
Klemm, W.; Paul, M.; Jenk, U.; Meyer, J.; Greif, A.; Hartmann, J. (2015): Die Langzeitentwicklung der Belastung von Flutungswässern in Gruben des sächsischen Erzgebirges – Ergebnisse und Schlussfolgerungen. Conference Paper. Conference: Int. Bergbausymposium WISSYM_2015, Bad Schlema, 31.08.-03.09.2015, 87-98
Merkel, B.; Schaeben, H.; Wolkersdorfer, Ch.; Hasche-Berger, A. (2006): Behandlungstechnologien für bergbaubeeinflusste WässerGIS – Geowissenschaftliche Anwendungen und Entwicklungen. Technische Universität Bergakademie Freiberg, Institut für Geologie, Wissenschaftliche Mitteilungen, 2006.

+49 37341 4850-0
See on the map
Ehrenfriedersdorf on Google Maps
Further links (German)
The waterways in Ehrenfriedersdorf
Mining monograph
Treatment of contaminated sites in Saxony
BMBF final report
Objects of investigation
- Drilling fluid
- Leachate-/ Mine water
Development sites:
Term: From 01.04.2021 to 31.03.2024
Technology development and testing for sustainable water management and additive raw material extraction at the pilot location Zinnerzgrube Ehrenfriedersdorf
Our lead partner:
Development sites:
Term: From 01.04.2021 to 31.03.2024
Technology development and testing for sustainable water management and additive raw material extraction at the pilot location Zinnerzgrube Ehrenfriedersdorf
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Term: From 01.04.2021 to 31.03.2024
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Social Works
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Freiberg - Roter Graben
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Freiberg - Davidschacht
Freiberg - Roter Graben
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