by recomine | Nov 11, 2023
DYNOSORT Funded by EIT RawMaterials and EU Time span From 01.01.2022 to 31.12.2023 Abbreviation DYNOSORT Project type Innovation transfer The novel approach for sensor-based sorting of raw materials developed by HZDR/HIF and HZDR/THEIAX will be tested and validated...
by recomine | Nov 7, 2023
Waelue Holistic Recovery of Recyclable Materials from Rolling Slags Time span From 01.01.2023 to 31.12.2025 Abbreviation Waelue Project type Holistic Recovery of Recyclable Materials from Rolling Slags The aim of the Waelue project is to fully utilize the recycling...
by recomine | Nov 4, 2023
LiDoVa Sustainable recovery of vanadium from LD slag Time span From 01.01.2023 to 31.12.2025 Abbreviation LiDoVa Project type Sustainable recovery of vanadium from LD slag The main objective of LiDoVa is the extraction of 2 high-quality products from LD slags, which...
by recomine | Nov 3, 2023
DigiFloat Digitalization and model predictive control of complex treatment processes using sensor fusion and AI-supported evaluation Time span From 01.07.2023 to 30.06.2025 Abbreviation DigiFloat Project type Digitalization generic impulses The DigiFloat project aims...
by recomine | Nov 2, 2023
RepNEw Remining by fine particles Processing of tin tailings from the Ore Mountains with innovative pNEUmatic flotation technology, more sustainable processing strategies and utilization potential of silicate residues in stones and pavers Time span From 01.04.2023 to...