Development of a Saxon-Czech cooperation strategy for raw materials technology
The project focuses on the question of possible conflicts, especially with water sources and the risk of deformation of the land surface when exploiting the potential of critical raw materials and decorative stones in the border area between Bohemia and Saxony. The approach to these issues will be discussed with the administrative authorities in the regions and the regional mining authorities and demonstrated directly during excursions with the participation of the interested public, experts from research institutions, schools and mining organizations. The conclusions of the workshops and consultations will be translated into a common strategy for the elimination of risks in the extraction of critical and strategic raw materials and ornamental stones in the area concerned. The “recomine SN-CZ-Plus” project is funded by the EU Interreg program “Cooperation Saxony – Czech Republic 2021-2027”.

Helmholtz Institute Freiberg for Resource Technology
Dr. Mariia Hess
Project support
+49 351 260 4435
Actively informing the public
The strategy will be the result of the joint work of the Helmholtz Institute Freiberg for Resource Technology (HIF) and the Czech Geological Survey (ČGS), a document to support national and regional authorities and a recommended approach for mining and exploration companies. It will also serve as a tool for the interested public to check the environmental compatibility of the procedures to be carried out. It is intended to strengthen public confidence in the environmentally sound extraction of raw materials, taking into account acceptable impacts on the aquatic environment and the land surface. The topic of historical underground mining will also be brought to the attention of the public through publications.
Border as a bridge
The work of the project serves to protect people and the environment in the mining areas of the Czech-Saxon border region. Old mining sites in particular represent a considerable environmental hazard potential. Acid mine water and weathering processes in old mine workings can pollute groundwater and soils both in the region and beyond. By working together with experts to develop a strategy based on the knowledge of both sides of the cross-border regions, joint regulations for environmentally friendly mining can be developed and implemented by the authorities in the affected region. This will minimize the risk of damage to people and the environment and make mining more sustainable.
Helmholtz Institute Freiberg for Resource Technology (Lead Partner)
Czech Geological Survey (PP1)
Time span
October 5, 2023 to June 30, 2027