

Mining 2.0 – Information event on research projects at Sauberg

Online events with information on planned research projects and opportunities for discussion

As part of the recomine alliance, technologies that combine the remediation of contaminated sites and the recovery of raw materials from mine tailings and mine water are being developed and tested at Sauberg in Ehrenfriedersdorf. In order to provide information on these projects, the recomine alliance invites interested members of the public to an online event. Project leaders will introduce themselves and their projects, be available to answer questions, and look forward to contributions to the discussion.

The event is organised together with Zinnerz Ehrenfriedersdorf GmbH, the City of Ehrenfriedersdorf and researchers from the Helmholtz Institute Freiberg for Resource Technology, the Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research (Leipzig) and other partners. Further information on the recomine project alliance can be found at

Due to the current pandemic developments, the event will be held as a public video conference. For any content or technical questions, please contact Lukas Wortmann (Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research) at lukas.wortmann(at) / 0341 235 482369.

The event is finished.