Workshop for developing ideas in recomine
In order to submit interesting and innovative project outlines for the second submission deadline of the first recomine call on 27 March 2020, we are inviting all partner institutions and interested parties in the region to take part in an ideas workshop at the Helmholtz Institute Freiberg for Resource Technology (HIF) on 2 March 2020. There we will offer you the opportunity to further develop your ideas with your partners up to the application stage. The process will be professionally moderated and managed by ImpactHUB Dresden. We will answer all your questions, work with you to find other important regional partners for your application and discuss the suitability of your idea for the recomine vision.
As we have a limited number of places, please register by e-mail at recomine(at) by 27 February. The free workshop will take place from 09:00 to about 16:00 at the HIF in Chemnitzer Straße 40 in 09599 Freiberg (lunch break can be organised individually).
We look forward to seeing you and to an interesting workshop,
Your recomine coordination team