Highlights of the 4th Workshop of recomine SN-CZ

"Mining and Processing of Tin and Lithium Ores in the Zinnwald/Cínovec Region"

Two exciting days are behind us, in which recomine partners from Saxony could network with partners from the Czech Republic in line with the project "recomine SN-CZ" (supported by the EU Interreg Program "Cooperation Saxony - Czech Republic") on the topic of mining and mining waste and discuss future joint fields of action. Our joint event in Cinovec was a complete success with about 70 participants. There were high-class presentations on the planned lithium mining on the German and Czech side as well as interesting insights into the research on mining waste and mining activities on both sides of the border. During the excursion we were able to visit several mining waste deposits of the border region and Thomas Dittrich from Deutsche Lithium GmbH showed us one of the drilling sites of their new exploration campaign. We are already looking forward to the next networking event on 06.10.2022 in Prague, which will be the conclusion of our joint networking project recomine-SN-CZ funded by the EU Interreg program. Subscribe to our recomine newsletter on www.recomine.de to receive all updates. 

Networking with our neighbors is important and has a lot of potential for the future of raw material supply in Europe. Many thanks to all co-organizers especially Dr. Štěpánka Mrázková & Petr Rambousek from Czech Geological Survey, Dr. Ulrich Bobe from Wirtschaftsförderung Erzgebirge GmbH as well as Martin Köhler from Beak Consultants GmbH & Thomas Dittrich from Deutsche Lithium GmbH for the support on the excursion.


Photos: © Bobe / Wirtschaftsförderung Erzgebirge GmbH


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