Sustainable In-Situ Resource Estimation and Environmental Remediation Mining Areas of Saxony
Time span
From 01.04.2021 to 31.03.2024
Project type
Environmental Remediation and Secondary Mining of Tailings
Tailings often pose an environmental hazard but at the same time represent a source for elements of value that in the past either could not be extracted efficiently enough or were not demanded by the industry. At the tailing „Ehrenfriedersdorf“, the NIRUBIS project utilizes novel tools and analytical methods for evaluating the resources of raw materials and the potential of contaminants. The data acquisition is based on in-situ tools and real time data processing. A hydraulically advanced probe (Metal Probing Tool = MPT) allows for continuous screening of element concentrations by using x-ray fluorescence. Other probes and methods measure hydraulical and geotechnical parameters within the tailing material.
The identified element concentrations will be linked to comprehensive particle based and mineralogical data transferred to a 3D model and processed further geostatistically considering differentiated sedimentary bodies.
Data is collected using in-situ measurement methods and real-time processing of the collected data. A probe pressed hydraulically into the tailings material enables continuous measurements of element concentrations using X-ray fluorescence analysis. Other measurement modules record hydraulic and geotechnical parameters of the tailings pile. The measured element concentrations are linked with comprehensive mineralogical and particle-based data, transferred to a 3D model and further processed geostatistically, taking into account sedimentary bodies. Furthermore, sample material will be used to quantify the valuable metals and pollutants that can be eluted and extracted using bioleaching. The project will develop this new combination of services as a basis for processes for in situ raw material extraction and pollutant recovery/immobilization from tailings areas.
The NIRUBIS project thus enables an in-depth understanding of waste rock pile bodies and provides the economic basis for the feasibility of in-situ recovery of valuable elements from a waste rock pile. The transferability and scalability of the methodology to other sites in the region as well as to mine dumps worldwide is the overarching goal.
Project update: Field measurement campaign on the Tailing 1 of the ZEE in Ehrenfriedersdorf from 05.-15.09.2022
In the period from 05.09. to 15.09.2022, Geccotec GmbH carried out soundings with the MPT probe newly developed as part of the NIRUBIS project at ZEE’s Spülhalde 1 in Ehrenfriedersdorf. The MPT probe is coupled with a CPT tip and uses X-ray fluorescence to measure concentrations of metals and elements in situ and in real time. The CPT probe also provides geotechnical data to characterize the tailings. The campaign was very successful, 40 soundings with a total of approx. 455 sounding meters were carried out. Tin and arsenic were measured in varying and locally very different concentrations within the tailings. To calibrate the data, depth-differentiated liner samples were taken at relevant locations on the basis of the measurement results, which were analyzed for their metal content by the project partner ERZLABOR Advanced Solutions GmbH. After fine calibration of the measurement data, a statistically based calculation of the tin and arsenic contents is carried out by the project partner GLU. Read more.
Geccotec GmbH
Axel Oppermann
+49 (0) 172 5424573
R & D Locations

Geologische Landesuntersuchung GmbH Freiberg

Geccotec GmbH

ERZLABOR Advanced Solutions GmbH