Remining by fine particles Processing of tin tailings from the Ore Mountains with innovative pNEUmatic flotation technology, more sustainable processing strategies and utilization potential of silicate residues in stones and pavers
Time span
From 01.04.2023 to 31.12.2025
Project type
Remining through fine particle processing
In recent years, remining concepts have been intensively developed at the Freiberg site, particularly with the involvement of UVR and the Helmholtz Institute Freiberg for Resource Technology (HIF), with a focus on the extraction of valuable metals, without addressing recycling strategies for the mineral-silicate bulk materials. Ways have been found to make this possible in principle from representative domestic tin dumps. The EU project FineFuture, which ran until the end of November 2022, with the participation of Dresden University of Technology (TUD) and HIF, also brought innovations and increased efficiency in the field of pneumatic fine particle flotation, especially in the turbulence design of the reactor area. The building materials experts from TUC and LIM also described the potential of the residual materials in the Saxon tin dumps of Ehrenfriedersdorf and Altenberg-Tiefenbachhalde for the use of building materials.
On this profound basis, the technical project RepNEU “Reminingby fine particle processing of tin heaps from the Ore Mountains with innovative pNEUmaticflotation technology, more sustainable processing strategies and utilization potential of silicate residues in stones and pavers” combines several technology innovations that can also be used individually into a joint project with potential supra-regional appeal.
The project aims to reminetin heaps from the Ore Mountains by processing fine particles with the core of the innovative pNEUmaticflotation, equipped with new sensor concepts towards a digitized separation technology, the use of sustainable flotation reagents and the processing of the mineral-silicate residues for use in and development of recipes for ecological paving stones as building materials. RepNEU will thus lead to the strengthening of the region through the project objectives:
- Technological improvement and technical-scientific deepening of ultrafine particle flotation at the HIF and the associated establishment of an internationally active apparatus developer (Maelgwyn Mineral Services) in Freiberg,
- Sensor system development in Dresden (TUD and HZDR Innovation) for use in the globally economically significant flotation process for process digitization,
- Expansion of expertise and strengthening of Freiberg processing in basic engineering and process development at UVR for remining and tailings recycling projects with a focus on packaging for the use of residual materials in construction materials and
- Expansion of processing technologies and technical-scientific formulation of building materials technology for the production of sustainable paving stones using domestic silicate-mineral residues at TUC and LIM.
Helmholtz Institute Freiberg for Resource Technology
Dr. Martin Rudolph
+49 351 2604410
R & D Locations

Helmholtz-Institut Freiberg für Ressourcentechnologie

TU Dresden


TU Chemnitz, Professur Strukturleichtbau und Kunststoffverarbeitung

Welterbe Montanregion Erzgebirge e.V.