Sustainable Development of the Ehrenfriedersdorf Model Site with New Value Chains Based on Purified Mine Water
Time span
From 01.07.2023 to 31.12.2025
Project type
Sustainable Water Management
The vision of TERZINN II is to develop the (former) mining site into a model location for the demonstration of highly efficient processes for mine water purification as part of an integrated utilization and site development concept. The focus is on the water issue as a very important aspect of mining activities and the future main aspect of the resource problem.
The objectives of the project in detail are:
- The transfer of selected processes for As-/F-separation to pilot scale.
- A transfer of the approaches to waters from other old mining sites (pilot scale) with extension of the spectrum of substances to be separated (U, Cd, Ni) and additive recovery of strategic metals (Sb, Cu, Co…).
- The “refinement” of mining water for higher value uses (drinking water quality (1st step), feed water for hydrogen electrolysis (2nd step)).
- Measures, concept development and initiatives for the utilization of results.
The project also serves as a practical demonstration that the impact of mining on water quality is avoidable at reasonable cost using state-of-the-art water treatment processes and that purified water offers great economic potential.
The kick-off meeting took place on 12.09.2023. Documents for the required special operating plan in accordance with the BBergGes. are currently being prepared and the investigations at other sites are being prepared.
Planned services here are, on the one hand, technologies and apparatus components for the purification of mine water adapted to the needs of other (former) mining sites as well and, on the other hand, a concept based on process engineering investigations on a pilot scale for site transformation to secure the water supply in the region by means of purified mining water and for the development of a regional energy supply system with hydrogen technology, waste heat utilization and use of geothermal energy as central components.
Fraunhofer Institute for Ceramic Technologies and Systems (IKTS)
Hans–Jürgen Friedrich
+49 351 88815-720
R & D Locations

Helmholtz-Zentrum für Umweltforschung Leipzig GmbH-UFZ

G.E.O.S. Ingenieurgesellschaft mbH

SCHENK GmbH Kunststofftechnik