
Utilization of tailings in glass products

Time span

From 01.04.2023 to 31.12.2025



Project type

Utilization of tailings in glass products

The aim of the VeharstGlas project is to convert residual materials from mining and smelting, i.e. slag and sand, as well as residual materials from current recomine processing projects, into glass and suitable glass products.

Two specific solutions are to be pursued:

A) Hydrothermal dissolution of the residual materials or a water glass produced by adding alkalis, wet chemical separation of remaining valuable elements or harmful elements and production of a water glass solution (i.e. liquid water glass) for use, for example, as a binding agent (e.g. mineral paints), sealing material in the construction industry, but also for landfills or in underground mining or for foundry technology.

B) Utilization of the various residual materials and waste streams in combination for the provision of alternative raw materials and additives for the production of glass fibers, e.g. for composite materials, fiber mats and glass fiber fabrics, e.g. for use as heat protection but also for insulation applications.

The complex residual materials are not only characterized and pre-treated, but optimal recipes for glass production are created by blending different residual materials in order to improve the economic efficiency of production.

Development location: Cross-location.


TU Bergakademie Freiberg, Institute for Glass and Glass Technology

Prof. Dr. Sindy Fuhrmann

+49 3731 393351

R & D Locations


Freiberg - Davidschacht

Freiberg - Roter Graben



TU Bergakademie Freiberg, Institut für Glas und Glastechnologie


ERZLABOR Advanced Solutions GmbH