

ZauBer Future Materials from Mining Sludge Time span From 01.01.2022 to 30.11.2024 Abbreviation ZauBer Project type Future Materials from Mining Sludge From a technical point of view, the ZauBer research project aims to realize the recycling of ferrous mine sludge...


DYNOSORT Funded by EIT RawMaterials and EU Time span From 01.01.2022 to 31.12.2023 Abbreviation DYNOSORT Project type Innovation transfer The novel approach for sensor-based sorting of raw materials developed by HZDR/HIF and HZDR/THEIAX will be tested and validated...


Waelue Holistic Recovery of Recyclable Materials from Rolling Slags Time span From 01.01.2023 to 31.12.2025 Abbreviation Waelue Project type Holistic Recovery of Recyclable Materials from Rolling Slags The aim of the Waelue project is to fully utilize the recycling...


ResuS Recycling of sub-hydric sediments Time span 01.05.2023 until 31.12.2025 Abbreviation ResuS Project type Recycling of sub-hydric sediments The mining facilities used today as water reservoirs contain sediments with elevated metal contents, which were mostly...
LLV Muldenhütten

LLV Muldenhütten

LLV Muldenhütten LLV (learning-teaching-mediation location) Muldenhütten Time span From 01.07.2023 to 31.12.2025 Abbreviation LLV Muldenhütten Project type Historical-social mediation and development project The project involves the design and initial prototype...