Social Works

Social Works

Analysis of decision-making structures and conflicts and development of a methodological kit for transdisciplinary cooperation

Time span

From 01.01.2020 to 31.10.2022


Transdisciplinary Cooperation

Project type

Filed Labs

The development of innovative technologies that combine processes for decontamination and raw material extraction from deposited residues can give rise to areas of tension with various groups of actors. The project addresses potential conflict situations and develops methods and approaches to counteract them.

To this end, managementanalyzes technology-induced conflicts and possible potentials on two levels. These are (1) the social perception of technology projects (interaction science-society) and (2) the approvability of innovative future technologies in the context of the manifold legal framework conditions (interaction science-authority). Different locations of the former ore mining and smelting industry in the Ore Mountains are characterized as ideal-typical development sites ("real laboratories") of innovative technologies.

With the developed "method construction kit", recomine actors and official decision makers are being provided with tools and solution concepts for forms of interaction between science, authorities and society. The long-term goal of this project is to identify and address conflicts at an early stage and to involve social actors in the development processes of innovative technologies.


Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research Leipzig GmbH - UFZ

Henriette Rutjes

+49 341 235 48-2329

Co-Operation Partner

SAXONIA Site Development and Management Company mbH

Sabine Meißner

+49 3731 39-5026

recomine is supported by Program WIR!

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