Review of recomine real lab workshop & Mettenschicht


On 30.11.2023, recomine-Bündnis and 4transfer-Innovationsverbund had an exciting exchange on the topic of “real-world laboratories” in Ehrenfriedersdorf. Rico Blei presented the existing real-world laboratory in the administrative context of the Meißen University of Applied Sciences (FH) and training center presented. Dr. Diana Ayeh shed light on the social science perspectives of real-world laboratories. Dr. Steve Rother then presented the We Alliance Smart Rail Connectivity Campus SRCCwhich is on its way to becoming a real-world laboratory.
The recomine alliance is also planning a real-world laboratory in the field of tailings processing and re-mining, and the speakers exchanged views on this with the audience in the panel discussion. Conclusion of the discussion: The involvement of all stakeholders, especially the population, is essential, but not easy. Finally, all participants drove to the Ehrenfriedersdorf tin mine to visit the project status of TERZinn II project stand and gain an initial insight into the project work. Afterwards, there was a joint Metten shift with a glass of mulled wine or hot tea underground.