recomine & simul⁺ - Joint Forum in Freiberg this December

"From Legacy to Innovation - How Science, Industry & Society in recomine Jointly Shape the Future of the Ore Mountains"

The BMBF WIR! Alliance recomine brings together partners from science, society and industry from Saxony who are researching innovative and holistic solutions for mining contaminated sites in the Ore Mountains and developing them under real conditions at contaminated sites in the region all the way to products and services. By networking with the simul⁺InnovationHub of the Saxon State Ministry for Regional Development (SMR), recomine has been able to identify and attract numerous new partners for projects that bring forth new aspects and approaches to solutions for mining waste sites. The interdisciplinary networking, which is lived through both initiatives, shall now be discussed and further developed at the first joint event of simul⁺ and recomine.

Therefore, we invite all interested stakeholders to the next recomine status meeting on December 15, 2022 (Thursday), which this time will take place as a (hybrid) simul⁺forum on the topic "From Legacy to Innovation - How Science, Industry & Society in recomine Jointly Shape the Future of the Ore Mountains" in the Alte Mensa in Freiberg from 10:00 - 15:30.

Further event information and a detailed agenda are available here.

In addition to current information from the alliance and the simul⁺InnovationHub, innovative networking opportunities, the presentation of new funding opportunities as well as presentations on the impact of recomine in the region, we would also like to present the latest projects of the recomine family in a pitch session.

The best thing to do is to register directly here - we look forward to seeing you! Registration deadline is 12.12.2022.

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