Technologies for extracting and processing lithium mica from slag heaps in the Ore Mountains

Time span

From 01.10.2022 to 30.09.2025



Project type

Technologies for extracting and processing lithium mica from slag heaps in the Ore Mountains

The aim of the project is to develop an innovative technology chain for the extraction and processing of lithium (Li) mica and potential accompanying components (such as cassiterite and quartz) from tailings, using the example of the Bielatal industrial tailings management facility (IAA) in the Ore Mountains. The main focus is on the combination and optimization of known technologies for resource estimation based on artificial neural networks (ANN), recovery and processing of materials from tailings, as well as on the further processing of Li-mica concentrate into marketable Li products.

At the beginning of the project, the tailings body is examined and evaluated with regard to its geological and mineralogical properties. The surface outcrops required for this also provide the opportunity for sampling, which forms the basis for geochemical and geotechnical investigations as well as for the necessary processing tests. The primary useful minerals zinnwaldite (Li-mica) and cassiterite are separated from the finest-grained processing residues (< 40 μm) by optimizing known processing methods. In cooperation with partners from industry and science, the use of the silicate residues as potential aggregates for building materials is being investigated. This concept is intended to achieve maximum minimization of the deposited masses and the aftercare load while at the same time refinancing the remediation of the contaminated site. The associated complete dismantling of the tailings will be assessed as part of the project in terms of its expected political and social resonance. The mica concentrates produced by the processing will be processed into marketable Li products in a laboratory test and the result will be assessed in terms of its economic viability.

The implementation of the project creates a further basis for the development of the regionally based project partners as suppliers of AI processes, extraction, preparation and processing technologies and contributes to the supply of important raw materials.

The resulting technology concept should be marketable worldwide and serve as a template for processing other low-grade ores.


Beak Consultunts GmbH

Dr. Christian Schardt

+49 3731 781345


R & D Locations


Logo Beak Consultants GmbH

Beak Consultants GmbH


Logo Deutsche Lithium GmbH

Deutsche Lithium GmbH

TU Bergakademie Freiberg, Institut für Geologie


ERZLABOR Advanced Solutions GmbH