recomine alliance – ResuS sub-project


Removal of sub-hydric sediments from the Hüttenteich in Berthelsdorf and other waters of the lower district watercourse from 23-31.08.2023 As part of the recomine project “ResuS: Recycling of sub-hydric sediments” sediment samples were taken from the Hüttenteich Berthelsdorf and other waters of the lower Revierwasserlaufanstalt to a depth of 5.40 m between August 23 and 31, 2023. The sampling was coordinated with the Saxony State Reservoir Administration. Dr. Richard Stanulla, Managing Director of GeoWiD GmbHsupervised the sampling. The plastic pipes, known as liners, were lowered into the water by scientific divers to a depth of 5.40 m and inserted into the sediment. Around 20 kilograms of sediment are to be collected at each sampling point. It is important to take an “undisturbed sample” in which the structure of the sediment layers is not altered. All sediment samples must be transported upright and cooled. The samples are sent for laboratory analysis of the sediments to the KI Keramik-Institut GmbH and theVeolia Klärschlammverwertung Deutschland GmbH for laboratory analysis. Professor Dr. Traugott Scheytt from the Institute of Geology, Chair of Hydrogeology and Hydrochemistry at TU Bergakademie Freiberg is leading the ResuS project and examining the sediment samples in the in-house laboratory. In addition, mechanical and physical parameters of the sediments are analyzed by GeoWiD GmbH are examined. The results of the analyses are published jointly by the project partners in scientific journals. The aim is to find ways of utilizing the sub-hydric sediments from the Saxon dams. Special thanks to Mr. Wieland Josch for additional photos and a large article in the Freie Presse and the Freiberger Zeitung.